Technical & Mechanical Uses of comma | with New Stuff in the blog
(Email Request Followed. This file is made for the convenience of my those readers who felt it difficult to watch on touchpads) (With New Stuff in the blog) If we talk about the usage of comma in the addresses and Dates, Months, years... it seems as if comma is being used TECHNICALLY . So In the following we are going to discuss: Technical & Mechanical Uses of comma: (Use of comma for citation will be provided in the next blog) Important to Note: Almost all the time we are not using comma in just sentences. There are many other fields where comma is used but there comma plays a very specific role of clarifying (less confused and more comprehensible) the content from rest of the sentence. Comma sets the month and year off when you are writing a date. Comma is used to separate geographic elements. Comma is used to show off degree or c...